Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Guild Wars 2

I can't wait for this.

I'm going to have to be responsible and take care of all my responsibilities so that I can purchase and play this when it comes out a year and a half from now.

Verse of the Day: Proverbs 14:6 - "A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain, but knowledge is easy for a man of understanding."
Quote of the Day: "Just be ready...cause the fit is gonna hit the shan." -Michael Glosson (my Dad)
Word of the Day: Visceral - characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect
Male Name of the Day: Simon
Female name of the Day: Simone

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Faux Foe

Welcome to Whiskey & Eggs where the titles mean nothing.

Various thoughts for the day:

1. I love the Word of God. There truly is no book like the Bible. I thank the Lord that He reveals Himself in Scripture.

2. I must say that I hate energy drinks. Seriously I think they're a heart attack in a can. Actually scrap that, the alcoholic energy drinks are the real heart attack.

3. I am spent. I am done with school. I graduate in roughly 2 weeks and I have no incentive to do any homework. Fortunately if I don't do that homework I fail and don't graduate. So there's my incentive.

4. Lastly, did I mention the Seahawks had an awesome draft?

Verse of the Day: Psalm 94:8-11 - "Understand, O dullest of the people! Fools, when will you be wise? He who planted the ear, does He not hear? He who formed the eye, does he not see? He who disciplines the nations, does He not rebuke? He who teaches man knowledge--the LORD--knows the thoughts of man, that they are but a breath."
Quote of the Day: "All that I am or ever hope to be is in the hands of Jesus Christ the Lord. He has blessed me with grace, love, forgiveness, and blessing I do not or ever have deserved. He will do the same for everyone, to all who will believe in Him as Lord."
Word of the day: Hexakosioihexekontahexphobia [hexa-koseeo-ee-hexe-konta-hexaphobia] - The fear of the number 666.
Male Name of the Day: Bruce
Female Name of the Day: Claire

Style is hard. Being fashionable feels like I'm giving into something that others have misplaced value on. I fear & loathe it. What is wrong with me?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Just like songs, I get word pronunciations stuck in my head. What word is in my head? Maladroit.

2nd Amendment

I'm getting guns when I graduate. A rifle, a shotgun and a handgun. I'm excited. The masculinity is pumping through my veins.

Also I'm getting my hair cut. I think I'm going to try for a pseudo mohawk thing. Don't worry it won't look like this guy. It's basically a compromise because I want a mohawk but I know my girlfriend, friends, family and the rest of society will hate it. The reality is that I don't care whether they find it aesthetically pleasing or not but rather that I care enough about my girlfriend that I want to at least consider what she likes. The rest of the world...well who cares what they think about hair.

Self-righteousness and counterfeit knowledge make me angry. I've been talking with some folks lately about God, the Bible, spirituality, etc. and you find that people can't voice what they believe without including the flavor of pride mixed in. It's irritating. I'm sure I do the same thing...oh well.

Lastly, 2 things:

1. I beat Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion finally! After years of beating everything but the main storyline I was always hindered. Now I have finally beaten it.
2. I want to see the new Robin Hood movie coming out with Russell Crowe. It looks like it is going to be really good.

Verse of the Day: Psalm 89:48 - "What man can live and never see death? Who can deliver his soul from the power of Sheol?"
Quote of the Day: "I love vegetarians. That's all I eat." - Ted Nugent
Word of the Day: Floccinaucinihilipilification [flok-suh-naw-suh-nahy-hil-uh-pil-uh-fi-key-shuhn] - The estimation of something as valueless.
Male Name of the Day: Vladimir
Female Name of the Day: Irene

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Draft is such a good word...

I'm a football fan. Specifically, I'm a Seattle Seahawks fan.

I absolutely love the NFL draft. I look forward to it every year and watch as much of it as I can.

This year the Seahawks literally had one of the best drafts of all the teams. If not THE best. This makes me very happy.

Verse of the Day: Jeremiah 42:6 - "Whether it is good or bad, we will obey the voice of the LORD our God to whom we are sending you, that it may be well with us when we obey the voice of the LORD our God."
Quote of the Day: "Chocolate?" - 5SecondFilms
Word of the Day: Lackadaisical - without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic
Male Name of the Day: Leon
Female Name of the Day: Veronica

Friday, April 23, 2010

For some reason I keep having format issues and so the entry looks strange...whatever, you can still read right?

I realized I hadn't been defining the word of the day so, I figured I may as well start doing that. So...from now on, at the the end of each entry the word will be defined.

So my friend got married last week...and I forgot about it. That's right, I'm that guy. This is what I wrote on his wall: 

Hahaha, so I missed your wedding...and I just realized it too. However, it wasn't on purpose. Seriously, I literally forgot about your wedding. I suck at existing. I'm only 3 hours away from Vennard, I completely could have come too. Oh well, for whatever reason I had in my head that it was in May."

Yep, I tried to make a joke of it, hoping he would think it was funny. Nope, no comment. I suck. Who forgets someone's wedding? Story of my life...

Verse of the Day: Romans 2:11 - "11For God shows no partiality"

Word of the Day: Monochromatic - of, pertaining to, or having tones of one color in addition to the ground hue

Quote of the Day: "

I will only protect the weak, and never my ego. I will use it to save and protect, never to destroy. This weapon, all the days of it's existence, will never know hate or vengeance." -Ben Pentland (concerning his new nickel-plated Stoeger SxS break-action shotgun)

Male Name of the Day: Thaddeus

Female Name of the Day: Leah

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ecce potestas casei!

This guy is cool.

Yeah...if you just watched that you may as well watch this one too. You're welcome.

So I went to Washington DC to visit my girlfriend for Spring break and had a great time. Rather than write about that for a while I'd much rather explain the horrid flight I had back to school.

It all began when I had to wake up at 4:00 AM. I get to the airport and I suppose we all got the memo to get there exactly 1 hour before the flight left (5:00 AM) so the check-in line was ridiculously long. So far things are a bit irritating but I'm alright you know I mean it happens no big deal right? That is...until I boarded the plane...I walk onto the plane looking for my seating thinking in my head that I'm just going to lean against the window and go to sleep. I walk up to 18D and see that it isn't the window seat like I thought, no it's the middle. I sigh and accept my situation. After sitting down I wait roughly 20 minutes until the plane is getting ready to depart. Surprisingly there was no one beside me nor was there anyone across the isle. The whole row was empty...until the last minute. Then a man in shirt and tie hustles onto the plane walks straight to my row and sits down next to me in the window seat. We both did the awkward "I don't really know you and neither of us are sitting next to one another by choice" nod. Then a married couple comes onto the plane with two little boys. The mother sits next to me while the father sits with the 2 boys across the isle. By this point I realize that I'm not going to get much sleep regardless how tired I am but I haven't lost all hope. Suddenly one of the little boys starts pitching a fit and won't stop shouting. I try to be sympathetic because I know the parents are embarrassed but they just sit there not doing much about the child. So it's now 6:00 AM, I'm exhausted, I'm stuck in the middle seat and the little hellian won't stop screaming. To make matter's worse one row back Aunt Jemima starts coughing really hard and loud. I have now mentally erupted. I lose all control of my body and bunch the innocent man sitting next to me. I then stand up and start shouting at passengers with an Irish accent because any angry white person is Irish. The pilot comes out of the cockpit to calm me down but I punch him out and go take over the plane. Ironically I flew the plane and made it to KC in half the time it would normally take...ok clearly I am lying the story stopped being truthful when I said I "mentally erupted". I just realized how drawn and boring I was being just to complain about something that in the scope of life is really trivial and not worth writing about.

While I'm complaining about useless things I hate the following 3 sports teams: 

1. Duke University
2. Dallas Cowboys
3. New York Yankees

On a more interesting note: I sold my Xbox360. Why, you ask? Because I wanted to buy a new one : )

What I've done is sold my older 20GB HDD model (which is actually an elite with a smaller HDD) with 2 controllers for $200. I then purchased the new Final Fantasy XIII bundle with a 250GB HDD for $400. I had been wanting to buy both a 60GB HDD and Final Fantasy XIII which would have cost me roughly $160-170. I thought I could get a brand new system with no fear of it "red-ringing" on me without a warranty plus a HDD with 3x more memory capacity plus the game I already intended to purchase. Originally I thought it was only $300 but I was mistaken. So I spent $40 than I planned but no matter I still think the overall investment was worth. Especially considering how difficult it is for me to purchase any high-priced item that is primarily for pleasure and entertainment. However, I won't be purchasing and more items such as this for quite a while. I have much higher priorities but I figured this was a good way to "work the system" (no pun intended).

Funny Story: I walk out of Pelfrey Hall at school (the school's main building where class rooms are located) on my way to Lang Hall (the men's dorm) and I see a guy walking across the parking lot with his head down. I jokingly walk up to him and say, "Hey man, you look down want me to pray?" Then I jokingly pretend to pray and then say," Nah, I'm just joking with you, what's up?" He then get's the distorted "pre-cry" face and runs away crying. Needless to say this was hilarious yet I still felt awful at the same time. Oh well.

Speaking of prayer I have decided to start waking up at 6:00 AM everyday to pray. Every day. I just wanted to go on offense instead of always playing defense by waiting for opposition and strife to come my way before I really start praying and reading my Bible. I guess you reap what you sow and if you want a solid prayer life sow prayer.

Lastly, I have decided to add a "Quote of the Day" section to all of my entries to go along with the others so...yeah there's your disclaimer.

Verse of the Day:  Philippians 2:5-11 - "5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6who, though he was i the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Word of the Day: Mysogynist

Quote of the Day: “74% of all Americans believe in a Creator, God, or Organizer of the universe, & women 79% more so than men 69%” -Associated Press

Male Name of the Day: Oliver

Female Name of the Day: Olivia